Livestreamed Content

Year: 2017-ongoing
Synopsis: Live content featured over on our Twitch Channel! Beyond our weekly podcasts and monthly RaDEEo Dramas, we offer variety streams such as “Art and DEEsign,” as well as both traditional playthroughs of games and ones with live voice acting performances from our active team and special guests. (For Visual Novels in particular.) Feeds are directly accessible via main page and sidebar; live content is available 6-7 days a week…check social media and our Discord channel for updates!
Promotional Projects

Year: 2021-2023
Client(s): Image Anime
Format: Monthly features originally posted through DEE Youtube; also, subscriber-only live broadcasts on DEE Twitch later edited+outputted to YouTube/Image Anime’s frontpage playlist.
Goal: To further renew awareness of the DEE brand and further build out the content creation portfolio following the 2017 rebuilding efforts, as well as promote the Image Anime digital storefront+offerings following the pandemic-related 2020 closure of their physical storefront. While monthly Recaps and the overall partnership is ongoing, the “product promotion” editions ceased with the December 2022 edition.
Shot with Logitech c922x, Razer Kiyo, iPhone X
Edited on Adobe CC
featured on Image Anime frontpage. Includes January-May 2023, which was the last batch of monthly Recaps before the full switch to Shorts format.
Filmed LIVE during Subscriber/VIP-Only Twitch Streams.