125th Meeting!
This week: Part 1 of our Fall 2022 Preview!
This week: Part 1 of our Fall 2022 Preview!
This week: a DEEscussion about C Y B E R P U N K (: Edgerunners)!
This week, Ken and Gino give thoughts on Gundam Evolution plus all the week’s gaming news (including NVidia’s new graphics cards, game footage leaks, and Twitch’s entire week)!
This week, Ken and Gino recap the glut of digital showcases and pre-event drops for Tokyo Game Show 2022!
This week: DEEscussing Dynamic Duos in anime! (Possibly with more alliteration. Listen to confirm!)
A BirthDEE Week 2022 special with DEE Founder Mario Bueno and DEEscussion of the latest gaming news and PAX West!
This week, Ken and Gino’s takes on the Ubisoft Forward and a DEEscussion about the recent Nintendo Direct and Sony State of Play.
This week, a focus on Gamescom and a recap of the previous week’s THQ-Nordic showcase!
This week: a DEEscussion about time skips in anime!
This week: a game of “Complete that Light Novel Adaptation Title”!