It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these, and we’ve been busy. We’re in an oddly timed video game release season, and we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.
Mortal Kombat was the last AAA game we officially reviewed, and we are aware we’ve missed out on putting up reviews for games that dropped earlier in the year as well as a few titles from last year.
We’re aiming to hit some of those titles as we prepare for the last gamut that will be the last half of the 2019 video game year, but it’s a little tough given that practically every other week a new release has dropped in some way, shape or form. Days Gone, Rage 2, Sonic Racing and A Plague Tale: Innocence are all titles that have released, we’ve played through or are currently playing. We’ll be getting to them for sure. Just keep in mind that just because we may not review it, doesn’t mean we didn’t play it. We highly recommend checking out the weekly podcast for the occasional video game thoughts on any releases that don’t hit the main CORe site.
A large reason why the article portion of our content slowed down has been our emphasis on driving the streaming content to a level of consistency we would be happy with. Thanks to our wonderful partnership with NeoIvan Gaming, we’re able to provide daily streams through him putting up games on our own channel, as well as hosting his own stream when we’re off for the day. I myself have been kicking up the content with Destiny 2 as well as the occasional flavor of the month title or older title. As things have calmed down a bit in our real lives, we’ve been able to solidify a better schedule for streams…even DEE main man Mario has been regularly contributing with his “DEE Fit” stream every Wednesday, and he even reviewed the main game used for it (“Fitness Boxing”) for the site! As of late, we’ve been showing off A Plague Tale: Innocence and with some of the recent pickups thanks to PlayStation Plus, we’re eager to expand streaming content to showcase some of our favorite games and highlighting the newer ones as they drop. We’ll be bringing in a mix of the old and the new for a focus on variety streaming.
About articles, we hope you’ve been enjoying the Doubletakes anime feature by our new contributor, Frongi. She’s a welcome addition to DEE fold and we look forward to working with her as we develop more content for you all. Anime has a longstanding history with us at DEE, and we’re clearly enjoying revisiting our roots through Frongi’s wonderful series. As you may have also noticed, NeoIvan was kind enough to also provide a review for indie title “We. The Revolution” which he played through on our channel, so you can expect the occasional article contribution from him as well moving forward.
Finally, while you can view the full schedule in the “about” section on the channel, our streaming schedule (not including partner hosting or guest spots like NeoIvan’s) is as follows:
- Sunday – 8p-10p
- Monday – 8p-10p
- Tuesday – 8p-10p
- Wednesday – MASSIVE MIDWEEK CONTENT DROP™ from 7p-12 midnight
- Thursday – DEE CODE Podcast 7pm Est – 8pm Est
- Friday – [OFF]
- Saturday -[OFF with occasional monthly events; see social media for announcements]
Lastly, we are saddened to formally announce that Kristian “HD Hair,” is no longer an active member of the DEE CODE Podcast as of the start of this year. He’s been focusing on his inter-dimensional travels and personal life, and while he’s not wholly gone, his presence on the podcast will be less of a thing as we go forward. We wish him the absolute best in his future endeavors and offer an always open seat on the podcast should he ever decide to stop by.
As always be sure to follow us and/or even Subscribe to our Twitch channel or our various other social media channels. Your support is always appreciated and for anyone looking to do a little more, our Patreon is always available and ready to take in new Digital Villagers.
Until next time, you’ve been DEE-coded!