A year later and we’re still going.
Accomplishments are generally a self-made thing, and when we set out to do this a year ago we had a select few goals we wanted to achieve. For the most part, we hit a few of those and admittedly dropped the ball on some others, but it’s all in the process of learning. We’ve figured out what works and what doesn’t and are going to be bringing everything we learned to continue to grow in 2018.
Part of that growth is allowing you to have a hand in our development and growth. To that end we’ve begun a Patreon so that should you wish to you may donate to the cause. We have some cool digital goodies for some of the tiers, but even just a dollar a month ensures that we can put out some great content for you guys. You can check out all the full details over at www.patreon.com/DigitalDreamer
We’ve sent off 2017 with our first ever video showcasing our personal top 10 games of 2017, complete with number one taking the honor of CORe’s Game of the Year. We’ve even thrown up our disappointments and worse games of 2017 and melded that into a single article for your reading pleasure. Aside from this article, our founder will be highlighting his personal thoughts on how we’ve grown throughout 2017 on our first anniversary, so be sure to look forward to that as well.
Another addition to the fold will be our Vlog/Podcast debuting on January 1st. We’re launching CODE on that day and it will be a livestreamed effort as we discuss E-Sports, general gaming culture alongside any other topics of relevancy and adding some more topics of discussion as the year progresses. We’ll be introducing the cast and just having a general hangout while we discuss what we’re looking forward to for 2018.
And that’s it for now. We’ll be taking some time off for the holidays and then come January 1st, we embark on a new and bigger year for CORe.
Bigger things are on the horizon, and anything can happen. 🙂