Richard Baldovin (Camera Ninja)
ViDEEographer/ViDEEo editor, TikTok Manager. He’s covered (Nerf) wars, you know. [Website]
ViDEEographer/ViDEEo editor, TikTok Manager. He’s covered (Nerf) wars, you know. [Website]
Past DEE CORe contributor. Writer. Cosplayer. Gamer. Otaku. Japanophile. Coffee aficionado. [Instagram]
Original DEE Kai (会) podcast co-host. Voice Actor. Concert pianist. Resident Board Game Dictator for Life. [Twitter]
Original DEE Kai (会) podcast co-host, DEE Voice of our Youtube Channel since 2018. Writer. Actor. Cosplayer. Generally found screaming about anime. [Website]
Original DEE CODE podcast co-host. Dapper Gent. GM for Hire. Loves Kirby and spinning top-shelf catchphrases. [Twitter]
Owner/Founder of Waypoint Cafe NYC. DEE CODE podcast co-host/on-site producer/audio editor. Import comic aficionado. [Website]
DEE CORe Editor-in-Chief. DEE CODE podcast host. NYC-based gamer dad. The Manliest Maid Guy. Writes stuff. He is Doom. [Twitter]
Discord Manager/engineer/editor. Soviet Space Cowboy. Fought a bunny to the death and dropped a Plantain with a Stunner. [Twitch Channel]